viernes, 1 de junio de 2018

A retrospective study of mortality in Ayamonte, Huelva-Spain

In 2016, we conducted a retrospective study of mortality in Ayamonte, Huelva-Spain, was presented at the ICRAV 2016, today we review the news and we find 9 dead equids, the statistics increase

 We have worked since 2011, in a multidisciplinary way with Dr. Aniceto Mendez (University of Cordoba), Dr. Thomas Tobin (University of Kentucky), Dr. Kimberly Brewer  (Private Practice Florida-USA) justifying in some cases the medication in this type of equid submitted to extreme exercise, this can reduce the incidence. This and previous studies showed mortalities of 5 horses of 3,300 total in 2016, 8 of 3,450 in 2015 horses, 13 horses of 3,100 in 2014 and 23 horses of 2,900 in 2013 and 11 horses of 2,000 in 2012.This event allows us to study EIPH since to our knowledge no anti-EIPH medication is used during this intense and prolonged exercise. The incidence of epistaxis and sudden death in this instance is similar to that reported in other studies of altitude 25 m. in Santa Rita Racetrack Zulia state-Venezuela. Pretreatment with furosemide in these equines subjected to high intensity exercise is necessary. A recently study report  this reduced rate of epistaxis represents a close to 80% reduction from the baseline 1992-1994 rate of approaching five epistaxis cases per month prior to the regulatory approval of furosemide for use in New York racing (Tobin, et al., 2012). We now draw attention to some clinical evidence establishing, in large numbers of racing horses, the efficacy of furosemide in reducing the incidence of epistaxis (Tobin, et al., 2012). Available in: Additionally, in October 2017, we presented a retrospective study of the case of sudden death in Almonte-Huelva, Spain. Morales A. Méndez-Sánchez A, Brewer K, Thomas Tobin. Proceeding XL Scientific Conference INH-RR 2017.

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