Abelardo Morales Briceño Profesional DVM, MSc Education, MSc, PhD, Veterinary Pathologist, Professor Assistant FCV-UCV, Guest Professor UCO, INH-RR, Professor Network Learning in Health, Node Venezuela. Pan American Health Organization. Member SEAPV and LASTP, Equine Private Veterinarian at Middle East.
martes, 9 de junio de 2015
Interesting article of sudden death in high competition horses. Pathological aspects and case series review.
Interessante artigo de morte súbita em cavalos de alta competição. Aspectos patológicos e avaliação casuística.
Intéressant article de la mort subite chez les chevaux de compétition de haut. Aspects pathologiques et l'examen des séries de cas.
Интересная статья о внезапной смерти в высоких лошадей конкуренции. Патологические аспекты и обзор серии случаев.
Interesante articulo de Muerte súbita en caballos de alta competencia. Aspectos patológicos y serie de casos clínicos de revisión.
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