martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

"III International Congress of Equine Podiatry"

Dear colleagues,
Our commitment, since the last congress celebration in 2.012, has been to organize the third meeting with nationals and international professionals, and we want to tell you that in this we are working.
We are pleased to inform you that the "III International Congress of Equine Podiatry" will be held on 19, 20 and 21 May 2016 in Segovia (Spain). We hope to be a great opportunity to meet veterinarians and farriers, and to share our scientific and practical kno...wledge.
We are confident that the information is of interest to you and take this opportunity to greet you very sincerely,
Martí Sala, David Canes, Gaspar Castelijns y Patricia Cayado
Comité Organizador Congreso


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