miércoles, 20 de abril de 2022

Veterinary Digital Pathology


A simple microscope camera, whole slide scanner is the start of digital veterinary pathology.


 Veterinary digital pathology offers new forms of visualization, and delivery of images is facilitated in unprecedented ways.


  This new technology can untether us entirely from our light microscopes, with many veterinary pathologists already performing their jobs using virtual microscopy.


Considering recent technical advancements of high resolution digital slide scanner and viewing software, digital animal pathology should now be considered a serious alternative to traditional light microscopy.


  A future integration of digital animal pathology in the veterinary pathologist’s workflow seems to be inevitable, and therefore it is proposed that trainees should be taught in digital pathology to keep up with the unavoidable digitization of the profession.

@vetcase.app  #uruguay @veterinaria.patagonia #chile @racsoredondo #altosmirandinos @serviciovet #guatire @refervet_avila #latrinidad @digital_pathology_place #patologiaveterinaria #patologiadigital #patologiadigitalveterinaria #veterinarypathology #telediagnostico #telediagnosticoveterinario #telemedicinaveterinaria #digitalpathology #digitalveterinarypathology


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