miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Today we will be participating in the forum "The Importance of Toxicology in Venezuela: Role of Universities"

Today we will be participating in the forum "The Importance of Toxicology in Venezuela: Role of Universities"

Hoy estaremos participando en el foro "La importancia de la Toxicología en Venezuela: Papel de las Universidades"

Hoje vamos estar participando do fórum "A Importância da Toxicologia na Venezuela: Papel das Universidades"


sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016

New citation in the article entitled: Ocurrence of equine cavitary myiasis (Gasterophilus spp) and its relation with secondary gastric ulcers of the squamous mucosa in Temuco, Chile.

New citation in the article entitled: Ocurrence of equine cavitary myiasis (Gasterophilus spp) and its relation with secondary gastric ulcers of the squamous mucosa in Temuco, Chile.

Our article entitled: Morales A, Perdigón M, Leal L, García F, Bermúdez V. Síndrome ulceroso gástrico en equinos del Hipodromo Nacional “La Rinconada”. Rev Analecta Veterinaria 2009; 29 (2): 45 – 47.

This article included the participation of Dr. Miguel Perdigon Morales, who was excellent colleague Veterinary Pathologist in Race track La Rinconada, grand professor and unconditional friend. To your memory Dr. Miguel Perdigon Morales, July 2008.   Available in: http://revistas.ces.edu.co/index.php/mvz/article/viewFile/3821/2535

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Next week we will participate in the forum "The Importance of Toxicology in Venezuela: Role of Universities"

La proxima semana vamos a participar en el foro "Importancia de la Toxicología en Venezuela: Papel de las Universidades"
Next week we will participate in the forum "The Importance of Toxicology in Venezuela: Role of Universities"
"Die Rolle der Universitäten Die Bedeutung der Toxikologie in Venezuela" Nächste Woche werden wir im Forum teilnehmen.
La semaine prochaine, nous allons participer au forum "L'importance de la toxicologie au Venezuela: rôle des universités"
La prossima settimana saremo presenti nel forum "L'importanza di Tossicologia in Venezuela: Ruolo delle università"
Na próxima semana vamos participar no fórum "A Importância da Toxicologia na Venezuela: Papel das Universidades"
На следующей неделе мы будем участвовать в форуме "Важность токсикологии в Венесуэле: Роль университетов"
Наступного тижня ми будемо брати участь в форумі "Важливість токсикології в Венесуелі: Роль університетів"

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

New citation in the Chapter: Helicobacter pylori Research: Non-Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter Infections in Humans and Animals.

New citation in the Chapter: Helicobacter pylori Research pp.233-269:
Non-Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter Infections in Humans and Animals.

Authors: Bram Flahou, Freddy Haesebrouck, Annemieke Smet.  
Affiliated with Department of Pathology, Bacteriology and Avian Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University. 
our article entitled: Detection of Helicobacter-like DNA in the gastric mucosa of Thoroughbred horses. Contreras M1, Morales A, García-Amado MA, De Vera M, Bermúdez V, Gueneau P. 2007 Nov;45(5):553-7. Epub 2007 Oct 1.




lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

New paper: Tiflocolitis acute syndrome for Klebsiella sp. in a Spanish Pure Breed Horse. A case report.

New paper: Tiflocolitis acute syndrome for Klebsiella sp. in a Spanish Pure
Breed Horse. A case report.

Nuevo articulo titulado: Síndrome de enterotiflocolitis aguda por Klebsiella sp. en un caballo de Pura Raza Española. Reporte de un caso.

New Papier: Typhlocolitis akute Syndrom für Klebsiella spp. in der spanischen pur Rasse Pferd. Ein Fallbericht.

新紙 急性症狀為克雷伯菌屬。在西班牙純
Nouveau livre: typhlocolite syndrome aigu de Klebsiella spp. dans le pur espagnol Race Horse. Un rapport de cas.
Nuova carta: Typhlocolitis sindrome acuta per Klebsiella spp. nel puro spagnola Cavallo di razza. Di un caso.
新しい用紙:クレブシエラ属のための盲腸結腸炎急性症候群。スペインピュアで 馬を飼育。症例報告。
Novo papel :. Typhlocolitis síndrome aguda de Klebsiella spp em um Pure Espanhol Raça do cavalo. Um relatório do caso.

Новая бумага :. Typhlocolitis острый синдром для Klebsiella SPP в испанской Pure Порода лошадей. Отчет случай.

Hârtie nouă :. typhlocolitis sindrom acut pentru Klebsiella spp într-o pură spaniolă Rasa de cai. Un raport de caz.

Нова папір:. Typhlocolitis гострий синдром для Klebsiella SPP в іспанській Pure Порода коней. Звіт випадок.