sábado, 25 de agosto de 2018

Recently our article: The Genus Helicobacter in domestic animals, a review; has been cited

Recently our article: The Genus Helicobacter in domestic animals, a review; has been cited in: Factors associated with infection by Helicobacter pylori in patients with dispepsia, Antonio Lorena del Cusco Hospital, 2018. Available at: http://repositorio.uandina.edu.pe/bitstream/UAC/1802/3/Giuliana_Tesis_bachiller_2018.pdf

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2018

Today's Lead & Learn webinar on "What Veterinarians Need to Know About Cannabis".

Interesting, I have only seen some cases of intoxication in small animals in dogs in Spain and only one case in a horse in Venezuela, today's Lead & Learn webinar on "What Veterinarians Need to Know About Cannabis". Thank you very much! AVMA

sábado, 18 de agosto de 2018

Training of Academic Tutors for Network Learning, Node Venezuela 2018. Pan American Health Organization.

Training of Academic Tutors for Network Learning, Node Venezuela 2018. Pan American Health Organization.

The month of June we started working on the Course: Training of Academic Tutors for Network Learning, Node Venezuela 2018. Pan American Health Organization. Today August 18 we conclude this course. Thank God for this opportunity! I hope in the future to develop this type of courses in veterinary pathology, today technology allows us to meet simultaneously with colleagues from all countries.

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

Reviewer of the Peruvian Journal of Integrative Medicine

Today I received this certificate as Reviewer of the Peruvian Journal of Integrative Medicine. Thank you very much!

Hoy recibí esta constancia como Revisor de la Revista Peruana de Medicina Integrativa. Muchas gracias!!!