sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017

Recently our work (EGUS- EGUS-HLO) has been cited...

Recently our work (EGUS- EGUS-HLO) has been cited in this interesting article titled:
-10. Pathophysiology of Gastric Ulcer Disease.
Available in: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781119063254.ch10/summary and

-First demonstration of equid gammaherpesviruses within the gastric mucosal epithelium of horses.
Available in: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168170217305099#abs0005

miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2017

Some experiences in the Program of Pathology in Animals of Experimentation, in the section of Ichthyopathology.

Some experiences in the Program of Pathology in Animals of Experimentation, in the section of Ichthyopathology. 

Algunas experiencias en el Programa Diplomado en Patología en animales de experimentación, en la sección de Ictiopatologia.

martes, 19 de septiembre de 2017

Recientemente nuestro trabajo ha sido citado en la Tesis “AISLAMIENTO, PURIFICACIÓN Y DETERMINACIÓN DE LA ESTRUCTURA QUÍMICA DE LOS ALCALOIDES DE LAS HOJAS de Aspidosperma camporum Müll.Arg. (Remo caspi) DE LA REGIÓN LORETO”

viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

We appreciate the participation through a Videconference from Mexico City, of Dr. Carlos Galvez Correa, Zootechnician Veterinarian, with Special field in Veterinary Diagnostic Pathology (UNAM), in the Program in Pathology of Experimental Animals.

We appreciate the participation through a Videconference from Mexico City, of Dr. Carlos Galvez Correa, Zootechnician Veterinarian, with Special field in Veterinary Diagnostic Pathology (UNAM), in the Program in Pathology of Experimental Animals.

Agradecemos la participación a través de una Videconferencia desde Ciudad de México, del Dr. Carlos Galvez Correa, Médico Veterinario Zootecnista, con Especialidad en Patología Veterinaria Diagnostica (UNAM), en el Programa Diplomado de Patología de Animales de Experimentación.

martes, 12 de septiembre de 2017

Recently our work on some experiments on deworming programs in horses has been cited in the Effects of ivermectin and its combination with alpha lipoic acid on the expression of IGFBP-3 and HSPA1 genes and male rat fertility.

Recientemente nuestro trabajo de algunas experiencias de programas de desparasitacion en caballos, ha sido citado en el articulo Effects of ivermectin and its combination with alpha lipoic acid on expression of IGFBP‐3 and HSPA1 genes and male rat fertility.


Recently our work has been cited in this interesting article titled: Determination of the energy and protein contributions of fodder supplied to horses in box in the Municipality San Ugnacio of Florence-Caqueta.

Recently our work has been cited in this interesting article titled: Determination of the energy and protein contributions of fodder supplied to horses in box in the  Municipality San Ugnacio of Florence-Caqueta.

Recientemente nuestro trabajo ha sido citado en este interesante articulo titulado: Determinacion de los aportes energeticos y proteicos de los forrajes suministrados a los equinos en las pesebrera San Ugnacio del Municipio de Florencia-Caqueta.

Available in: http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet/n090917/091721.pdf

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017

We recently received a total of 30,040 visits to our veterinary pathology blog. http://abelardomoralesprofesional.blogspot.com.es/

We recently received a total of 30,040 visits to our veterinary pathology blog. http://abelardomoralesprofesional.blogspot.com.es/
Thank you very much everyone for your interest, your support and your time spent in accessing the blog, continue to share interesting information and I hope their valuable participation.
Thank you very much to all!
Abelardo Morales Briceño

Recientemente recibimos un total de 30.040 visitas a nuestro blog de patología veterinaria. http://abelardomoralesprofesional.blogspot.com.es/
Muchas gracias a todos por su interés, su apoyo y su tiempo dedicado a acceder al blog, seguiremos compartiendo información interesante y espero su valiosa participación.
¡Muchas gracias a todos!

Abelardo Morales Briceño

Unfortunate news

Unfortunate news, my condolences for your family!
Thank you very much for allowing me to participate in Chapter 14. Thoroughbred racing regulation for therapeutic drugs in Central and South America and the Caribean in the
World Rules for Equine Drug Testing and Therapeutic Medication Regulation by Thomas Tobin, Kimberly Brewer, and Kent Stirling, 2012.